Care Home and Domiciliary Care Consultant
With over 20 years’ experience in the health and social care industry

Offering full Care Home / Domiciliary Service consultancy packages to any service that is under- performing, experiencing challenging issues or requiring support in remaining compliant against the Health and Social Care (2008) requirements.
No matter what your current CQC rating is, I am interested in working with providers who wish to improve the services they provide and who want to work towards achieving an ‘Outstanding” CQC rating. My services are tailored to meet the specific needs of your Home/Domiciliary service.
I offer a unique care home/domiciliary service support package to enable you achieve your goals.
What I do...
Connect Care Consultancy aims to empower, support, advice and mentor care providers and managers to be outstanding in their efforts to provide high quality care whilst by remaining compliant against CQC and Health and Social care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) 2014 regulations.
I recognise and understand the challenges faced by care providers and organisations and therefore aim to make compliance against health and social care regulations as well as CQC compliance, simplified and achievable. This is done by working closely with care providers, sharing skills and knowledge which would empower and inspire them to be outstanding.
Connect Care Consultancy’s packages are designed to enable providers to receive premium services at affordable prices thereby enabling them to concentrate all effort in providing quality care whilst ensuring compliance and reducing risk.
Our on-site mock inspections using CQC Key Lines Of Enquiry (KLOE) are very popular and ensure that an in-depth review is carried out to check if the service is Safe, Effective, Caring, Responsive & Well Led. It allows you to be prepared and to take positive action where gaps or issues are identified. A report, full quality assurance plan and support is provided. This should give you precious time to be proactive and stay in control, rather than waiting for a CQC inspection or local authority to identify the gaps.

Connect Care Consultancy Ltd
Manchester Business Park
3000 Aviator Way
M22 5TG
Company number 11822551
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