Helping You To Pass your CQC inspection
One-to-one support, guidance, support and mentoring
through the CQC Inspection process
Book your Discovery Call Now &
take the stress out of CQC Inspections

Been given a poor CQC rating and you require an improved rating?
Put under “Special Measures” and your registration is at risk of being cancelled?
Classed as “risky” and you are at risk of losing business due to CQC compliance and Health and Social Care related concerns?
Awarded a “Good” rating and you want to move towards an “Outstanding” rating?
A mock inspection to identify areas for improvement and good practice that can be enhanced.
An experienced consultant to support your organisation in preparing for a CQC inspection.
Regular monitoring visits from an experienced consultant to ensure that you are on track with implementing and monitoring your action plan for improvement.
Ongoing planned mock inspections and quality monitoring reviews to ensure that your service or organisation remains compliant against required regulations.
I offer you an initial discovery call to find out exactly the type of service you require and then provide you with a proposal of how I can support you achieve your desired outcome.
Your Journey With Us To Becoming Outstanding…
Discovery Call
During this call, I seek to identify your needs and the level of support you require. I offer you information about the entire process and what needs to be put in place prior to the mock inspection.
I send you a detailed breakdown of the process and how I will support your service from start to finish. I also explain what you should expect from the process as well as the fees for the service.
This can be on-site or virtual depending on the type and size of the service. It can be carried out in a day or over a number of days based on the size of the service and concerns. The registered manager or appointed person is encouraged to be involved throughout as this will give them a greater understanding of the process as well as experience in answering inspection questions.
Feedback is provided on the day as the consultant goes along. However, summary feedback is provided at the end of the mock inspection so that the provider can begin taking action on concerns that may require immediate action.
A CQC style report and action plan is submitted to the provider and/or registered manager. A formal feedback is arranged with the provider and/or manager to discuss the report and action plan and to answer and questions. The action plan can be used as a working document to monitor progress against identified actions and can be incorporated within the service’s improvement plan. The action plan will also be used by the consultant during subsequent visits to the service.
This is to check on progress with the action plan and to offer additional support if required. This normally takes place at least a month after the report and action plan have been submitted.
Book your CQC Inspection Action Plan with me now
and fast track your journey to CQC certification...
Hello, I’m Nya and I am passionate about helping prospective and existing care providers and managers especially during these challenging times. Having worked as a nurse, NHS quality manager, CQC inspector, CQC registration assessor, care provider, certified coach and now independent care consultant; I can truly say “I know how it feels like” going through the CQC registration process.
I am caring, supportive, knowledgeable professional who truly believes that anyone can achieve anything they desire to achieve with the right information, determination and support. That is the approach I take when working with individuals and organisations through the CQC registration process. I have interviewed people for their registration, been through the process myself and so, I know how challenging, confusing and nerve-wracking the process can be.
I know that many prospective care providers and managers have been put off pursuing their dreams because of all that it entails in order to get CQC registered; so I provide that ongoing guidance, support, coaching, mentorship and training from start to finish so you don’t feel alone on the journey to becoming a registered provider or manager.
My question to you is: “Are you ready to dive in and pursue your dreams”? Now is the time, so don’t put it off as I am here to help.
How about you get started by you clicking below to book your discovery call and also get a copy of “Your Journey To Registration Action Plan” and fast track your journey to CQC Registration.

Nya K. Mabu
Founder - Connect Care Consultancy Ltd

Guiding you through the CQC Process to pass your inspection
What people I've helped with CQC Mock Inspections are saying
Retaining Connect Care Consultancy for all future mock audits
Nya at connect care consultancy came to us at a time when we felt prepared to face the CQC. Following her inspection, we realised how much work we actually needed to be prepared for an inspection. Her mock inspection dug deep and uncovered lots of areas for improvement and has given us the confidence that we will be in a good place in the event of a CQC visit. Nya was professional all through and kept focused on dotting the 'I's and crossing the T's. We at Health Personnel hope to retain connect care consultancy for our mock audits and will definitely recommend them to any organisation for this purpose.
Paul Onyemenem – Provider/Service Manager, Health Personnel Limited
We were impressed by her knowledge and dedication
We commissioned Nya from Connect Care Consultancy to provide mock inspections to our homes. The high quality of the reports and feedback enabled us to address any concerns immediately. We were impressed by her knowledge and dedication to support the services, which led us to ask her to mentor a new manager and to work closely in supporting them through the CQC registration process and preparing the home for an expected inspection. After the inspection, the home had been taken out of RI and rated Good in all areas. Nya has been a valuable resource to us and always went above and beyond in supporting us and we would have no hesitation in recommending Care Connect Consultancy.
Athar Mahmood – RochCare (UK) Ltd
Impeccable communication style and feedback method
I wanted to say thank you and express a deep sense of gratitude for your assistance with the mock inspections. Your communication style was impeccable particularly with your feedback method which I was so impressed with.
I feel very privileged to have your highly skilled and professional input, thank you and thank you also for the feedback and report which we have received. I look forward to continuing to work with and learn from you. I would have no hesitation in recommending your services. Thank You.
Omair H - Milennium Care Group
The Best Thing That Happened to Us
Connect Care Consultancy Ltd was the best thing that happened to us as we were preparing for our first CQC Inspection. They rendered a great service to us which earned us an all Good rating.
I highly recommend their service to anyone. Be you new or old in the business, you will not regret it.
John Tezock – ACS Home Care Ltd
When I as contacted by the CQC about my forthcoming inspection, I wasn’t sure on what to expect from them so I contacted Nya for support which was one of the best things I could have done.
Nya came to my rescue when I was very down and could not thank her enough. She was very professional and thorough with her information and her knowledge is unbelievable. She was very patient with me and was very clear whilst sharing her knowledge. She was also able to give me emotional support and realised I needed someone to talk to at that busy time in my life. Her ears were wide open and she sent me a lot of documents to me to put in place. Nya went through all my clients care plans and risk assessments just so she did not miss anything that will down mark my inspection. Nya am very grateful to have met you and you have made a huge difference in my company.
Kadiatu Turay
Director & Registered Manager – Prime & Passionate Healthcare Ltd
Well worth every penny
What Nya's consultancy does for you is provide that level of clarity - as she thoroughly delves into your organisation, providing you with the necessary guidance to ensure you achieve over and beyond what is expected. She looks at all aspects of the organisation from client care, families, staff management, care management.
The fees are well worth every penny because once her review is completed - it leaves the organisation feeling at peace not only because you will do well in your CQC inspection but also because you know once you have implemented the necessary guidance you are serving your clients well. I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her services.
Kemi Madumere – Compass Supported Living and Domiciliary Care Limited

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3000 Aviator Way
M22 5TG
Company number 11822551
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